Email questions below to coachmarymke@gmail.com
1. Team Name
2. Team Manager Email
3. Team Level: Varsity Silver or Varsity Gold
4. How did you hear about our league
Email questions below to coachmarymke@gmail.com
1. Daughter Name
2. Daughters High School
3. Daughter Current Grade
4. What Level: JV, Low Level Varsity or High Level Varsity
5. Daughters Shirt Size
Payment Options: Check, Cash or Venmo
Venmo: 2% charge fee must be included on total
Team Fee Total if using Venmo: $893.00
Individual Fee Total if using Venmo: $179.00
Checks or Cash: No additional fee
All Checks should be mailed in:
1on1 Milwaukee
1820 South Conrad Place
New Berlin, WI 53151
*Checks payable to 1on1 Milwaukee
2024 Fall Ball League
Date: Sundays (Games will Start at 8:00am)
September: 8th, 15th, 22nd, 29th
October: 6th, 13th, 20th
Admissions: Adults $3.00 | Students $2.00 | Seniors Free
Location: ​Pius XI High School (Milwaukee, WI)
Team Fee: ​$875.00 Per Team
*Team are responsible for their own jerseys
Fee Due: August 11th, 2024 (Final payment secures your spot)
Individual Fee: ​$175.00 Per Individual (Players who don't have a team can sign up as an individual and play on a 1on1 Milwaukee team)
League Format: ​
Two games per day
14 games total per team
Games will start at 8:00am​
Two certified referees will be provided for each game
Each team must provide one scorekeeper
Teams are responsible for bringing their own basketballs for warmups
We do not keep standings
Levels: Varsity Gold & Varsity Silver
Varsity Gold: Strong varsity team
Varsity Silver: Lower level varsity team
Game Format/Rules:
Two 16 minute halves
Running clock
Clock stops the one minute of each half
Half-time is two minutes
Warm-up is two minutes
Two 30 second time outs per game
5 fouls per player
Seven team fouls = Bonus | Ten team fouls = Double Bonus
Technical is two points and the ball
Overtime: First team to score 2 points
If a team has a timeout left they can use it​
No pressing rules
Only one coach may stand at a time